Via Alpina Red R68
SityTrail - itinéraires balisés pédestres
Tous les sentiers balisés d’Europe GUIDE+
Dificultad : Medio
Aplicación GPS de excursión GRATIS
A propósito
Ruta A pie de 15,2 km a descubrir en Trentino-Alto Adigio, Bolzano - Bozen, Taufers im Münstertal - Tubre. Esta ruta ha sido propuesta por SityTrail - itinéraires balisés pédestres.
Leave S-charl in a southeastern direction and follow the valley floor to Plan d'Immez. From here, turn into the Val Plazer. The trail leads over the Cruschetta/S-charljöchl pass to the Swiss-Italian border. First head on a somewhat steeper downward course and then take an easy meadow trail through the solitary Avignatal valley (with its rare flowers and view over the Ortler) out to Taufers i. M.
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